These selections were performed by the Mennonite Hour Choral groups, including mixed chorus, men's chorus, men's quartet and ladies sextet. Songs include:
Wonderful Words of Life
Rise Glorious Conqueror Rise
Beloved Now are We the Songs of God
Psalm Medley
Out in the Fields
Tell me the Story of Jesus
Joy to the World
We Three Kings of Orient
The Star and the Wise Men
The Stranger of Galilee
The Ninety and Nine
The Shepherd True
When I See My Savior
The Strife is O'er
Easter Anthem
Hail the Day
How Great Thou Art
The Lord's Prayer
Heart Divine
There is a Balm in Gilead
Remember Now Thy Creator
Seek Ye the Lord
God the All Merciful
sI heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Quit You Like Men
The quiet Hour