

  • Product Code: C905
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $15.95

  • Ex Tax: $15.95

2000 Florida College Chorus, directed by Scott Wyatt.  Songs included:  Miraculous; OpenOur Eyes; Magnify, Oh Magnify!, You Are My All in All; Nearer My God To Thee; Rabboni; I Am Needy; Teach Me Thy Way; Aina' That Good News; Follow Me; Sweet Will of God; O Sacred Heart; You Are My Hiding Place; Tenebrae Factae Stunt; Elijah Rock; We Shall Behold Him; Oh Lord, Our Lord; When Jesus Comes Again; And Can It Be; Flee As a Bird; In Monte Olive; King Jesus is a Listenin'; Happiness is the Lord; How Beautiful; In Bright Mansions

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