Paperless Hymnal

The Paperless Hymnal are a series of projection songs with music and words, set in Power Point files. Generally, The Paperless Hymnal does not follow any printed hymnal, but contains many of the songs found in various hymnals, plus many newer and popular Praise and Worship songs.
Currently, as of 8-15-14, there are 11 volumes available containing over 1300 songs.
Paperless Hymnal, Vol. 1 S105
Song Index Now revised to the new, larger format. More than 200 songs on this first release, set ..
Paperless Hymnal, Vol. 2 S106
Song Index Now revised to the new, larger format. 100 more songs on this second release, set in P..
Paperless Hymnal, Vol. 3 S107
Song Index All songs in the new, larger format. 100 more songs on this third release, set in Powe..
Paperless Hymnal, Vol. 4 S108
Song Index 2003 release. Another 100 plus songs on this fourth release, set in Power Point with b..
Paperless Hymnal, Vol. 5 S109
Song Index Another collection of 100 plus songs released in 2005, set in the popular power point ..
Paperless Hymnal Vol. 6 S130
Song Index Released, 11-28-05, Volume 6 of the Paperless Hymnal with 120 songs. ..
The Paperless Hymnal Vol 7 S131
Song Index More songs in power point with words and shape note music. Released 3-1-07..
Paperless Hymnal Vol. 8 S132
Song Index More songs in power point with words and shape note music. Released 5-1-08..
Paperless Hymnal Vol. 9 S133
Song Index Volume 9 with over 100 songs, brings to a total of over 1100 songs in power point with..
Paperless Hymnal Vol. 10 S139
Song Index Volume 10 with over 120 songs, brings to a total of over 1300 songs in power point wit..
Paperless Hymnal Vol 11
Volume 11 with over 120 songs, brings to a total of over 1400 songs in power point with words and sh..
Paperless Hymnal Vol. 12
Volume 12 of the Paperless Hymnal just released, 1-15-17 with another 100 plus songs. S..
ePraise Hymnal 2020 Vol. 1-8 & Paperless vol 1-13
This set includes 8 volumes of the ePraise Hymnal series and all 13 vol. of the Paperless. A to..
Paperless Hymnal Vol 13
Just released, April 2019, Volume 13 of the Paperless Hymnal. It contains slightly over 100 hymns..
The Paperless Hymnal set vol.1-13 S112
Complete set of The Paperless Hymnal set Volumes 1-13 with over 1600 songs..
Timeless Presentation Slides
Timeless, Ancient Psalms for the church today. Volume One: In the Day of Distress - Psalms 1-41 Mar..