
These albums and songs have the large, choral sound
Acappella Americana
Recorded by Derric Johnson and Regeneration Golden Dream Shenandoah She’ll be Coming&rsqu..
Anchored in the Lord
My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord God of Wonders O Magnum Mysterium Otche Nash When I ..
Christmas on the Hill
What Child is This O Come O Come Emmanuel How Unto Bethlehem Mary Had a Baby Touro-Louro-Lou..
Didnt My Lord Deliver Daniel
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel O Magnify the Lord with Me Non Nobis Domine Slcut Cervus As th..
From Sea to Shining Sea
God Bless America America the Beautiful Give me Your Tired, Your Poor Georgia on My Mind Col..
I Hear a Voice a-Prayin' All People that on Earth Do Dwell Holy Radiant Light Amazing Grac..
I Can Tell the World
I Can Tell the World Psalm 100 Psalm 96/Chantez a Dieul Hodie, Christus Natus Est Lamb o..
Witness CD
Witness Hark I Hear the Harps Eternal A Mighty Fortress is Our God Shout Hallelujah Lux Arumqu..
Great and Marvelous
The Covenant Chorale Song of Triumph Hear My Prayer Coming Home 'Tis Midnight and on O..
I'm Gonna Sing by Acclamation Chorale CD
"The Acclamation Chorale was born out of a desire to put spirit back into our worhip in a chorale se..
Reunion 2
ACU Reunion Choral; 1991 O Come, O Come Emmanuel O Magnum Mysterium O Holy Night Away in a Man..