Songs For Worship And Praise Index

A Beautiful Life........................................... 374
A Beautiful Prayer....................................... 898
A Broken Spirit.............................................. 117
A Charge to Keep I Have............................... 51
A Common Love............................................... 598
A frightening place, this world of ours............ 511
A Hill Called Mount Calvary.................... 360
A Mansion Robe and Crown......................... 796
A Mighty Fortress is Our God..................... 73
A New Anointing............................................ 99
A New Creature............................................ 462
A pilgrim was I and a wandering.................... 900
A Shelter In Time of Storm......................... 577
A Simple Prayer.............................................. 698
A Song of Praise............................................ 926
A Wonderful Savior..................................... 545
Abide With Me............................................... 683
Above All Else.............................................. 175
Above All....................................................... 319
Above the Bright Blue................................ 829
Adoration........................................................ 262
Again the Lord of Light and Life.............. 712
Agnus Dei....................................................... 357
Ah Lord God..................................................... 42
Alas and Did My Savior Bleed..................... 361
All Because Of God's Amazing Grace...... 337
All Creatures Of Our God and King......... 18
All day long of Jesus I am singing................... 191
All Day Long................................................. 457
All Hail King Jesus..................................... 202
All Hail The Power of Jesus' (Coronation) 230
All Hail The Power of Jesus' (Diadem)..... 236
All I once held dear......................................... 400
All my tomorrows, all my past......................... 470
All People That on Earth Do Dwell........ 551
All praise to Him who reigns above................ 196
All praises be to the King of Kings.................. 251
All Rise........................................................... 155
All That Thrills My Soul.......................... 477
All the Way my Savior Leads Me............... 268
All Things Are Ready.................................. 906
All Things Bright and Beautiful............... 77
All Things Praise Thee................................. 76
All to Jesus I surrender.................................... 571
Alleluia Sing to Jesus................................. 153
Alleluia.......................................................... 836
Alleluia! Alleluia!............................................ 357
Almighty........................................................... 52
Almost Persuaded......................................... 867
Am I a Soldier of the Cross....................... 1005
Amazing grace oh, how sweet the sound........ 337
Amazing Grace............................................... 125
Amazing Grace-My Chains are Gone......... 986
America the Beautiful................................. 930
An Empty Mansion........................................ 847
Ancient of Days.............................................. 44
Ancient Words.............................................. 769
And Can it Be................................................. 336
Angels are Singing...................................... 492
Angels We Have Heard on High................ 956
Angry Words................................................. 629
Another year has come and gone.................. 1007
Anywhere With Jesus.................................. 269
Are You Coming to Jesus Tonight............. 891
Are you dwelling in the sunlight...................... 727
Are you Sowing the Seed............................. 753
Are you weary, are you heavy hearted.......... 423
Arise And Sing............................................... 634
Arise! The Master calls for thee..................... 721
As I think on the cross...................................... 347
As I travel through life, with its trouble........... 813
As I travel through this pilgrim land................ 272
As I went down in the river to pray................. 699
As the Deer (Nystrom).................................. 43
As the Deer (Jernigan).............................. 1002
As the mountains surround Jerusalem............. 544
Asleep in Jesus.............................................. 290
At Calvary...................................................... 332
At the Cross.................................................. 361
At the Crossing............................................ 514
At the Name of Jesus (Jernigan)............... 144
At the Name of Jesus (Gill)..................... 1001
Awake and Sing the Song.............................. 41
Awake My Tongue Thy Tribute Bring...... 764
Away in a Manger......................................... 953
Awesome God.................................................... 10
Awesome Power................................................ 11
Battle Hymn of the Republic..................... 936
Be Exalted O God (Young)........................... 90
Be Exalted O God (Chambers)...................... 91
Be not dismayed whate’er betide.................... 512
Be Still and Know........................................... 66
Be Still My Soul............................................ 581
Be strong and courageous and do not be afraid 433
Be Thou My Vision........................................ 366
Be Unto Your Name........................................ 68
Be With Me Lord........................................... 680
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere..................... 839
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem..................... 940
Beautiful........................................................ 815
Because He Lives........................................... 543
Before the Throne.......................................... 71
Behold a Stranger at the Door.................. 874
Behold The Lamb........................................... 213
Beneath the Cross of Jesus (Getty)......... 334
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (Clephane). 353
Bethlehem Galilee Gethsemane................ 355
Bethlehem He was born there......................... 355
Beulah Land................................................... 825
Beyond the Sunset........................................ 873
Beyond This Land of Parting...................... 845
Bind Us Together.......................................... 594
Bless the Name of Jesus.............................. 132
Blessed Assurance....................................... 541
Blessed Be the Lord God............................... 96
Blessed Be the Name (Moen)........................ 69
Blessed be the Name (All Praise).............. 196
Blessed Be Your Name (Redman).................. 72
Blessed Be Your Name (Young)................... 70
Blessed Jesus................................................. 165
Blessed Redeemer.......................................... 352
Blessed Savior, we adore Thee....................... 220
Blessing and honor, glory and power................ 44
Blest Be the Tie that Binds........................ 638
Blue Skies and Rainbows............................. 199
Boundless Love............................................. 308
Bread of Life, pure Living Water................... 657
Break My Heart............................................. 426
Break Thou the Bread of Life.................... 773
Breath of Heaven.......................................... 351
Breathe on Me O Breath of God................ 160
Brighten the Corner.................................... 992
Brightly beams our Father’s mercy................. 722
Bring Christ Your Broken Life................. 922
Bringing in the Sheaves.............................. 755
Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary.................. 904
Buried with Christ, my blessed Redeemer....... 462
By Christ Redeemed....................................... 322
Can You Count the Stars............................ 567
Careless soul, why will you linger................... 890
Celebrate Jesus............................................. 181
Change My Heart O God.............................. 618
Child of the King.......................................... 461
Christ Above Me............................................ 857
Christ for The World We Sing.................. 733
Christ Is Precious......................................... 518
Christ Lives in Me......................................... 180
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.................. 348
Christ We Do All Adore Thee................... 193
Christ will me His aid afford............................ 395
Christ's Love Is All I Need......................... 291
Close to Thee................................................. 440
Closer to Thee............................................... 499
Come and See................................................... 949
Come Christians Join to Sing....................... 204
Come Dwell in Me......................................... 673
Come Holy Spirit Dove Divine...................... 840
Come Into His Presence ............................... 785
Come let us all unite to sing.............................. 101
Come Let us Sing............................................. 82
Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down........ 212
Come Now is the Time to Worship................ 95
Come Share the Lord..................................... 350
Come Thou Almighty King............................ 63
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King........... 937
Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus............. 1004
Come to Jesus................................................. 913
Come to the Feast.......................................... 906
Come to the Table......................................... 363
Come Unto Me (Jones).................................. 916
Come Unto Me (Belden)............................... 883
Come unto me, Lord Jesus............................... 673
Come we that love the Lord............................. 808
Come Worship Christ the King.................. 166
Come Ye Disconsolate.................................. 864
Come ye sinners poor and needy..................... 849
Come Ye Thankful People Come................. 632
Communion Prayer......................................... 321
Constant Prayer............................................ 674
Count Your Blessings................................. 591
Covenant of Love.......................................... 122
Create in Me................................................... 252
Creating God.................................................. 127
Crown Him with Many Crowns................... 219
Day By Day...................................................... 464
Day Is Dying In the West............................. 45
Days are filled with sorrow and care.............. 904
Days of Elijah................................................ 402
Dear Lord And Father of Mankind............ 681
Deeper than the ocean and wider than the sea 111
Did You Think to Pray.................................. 669
Do All in the Name of the Lord................. 742
Do not wait until some deed of greatness........ 992
Do You Know My Jesus................................ 889
Does Jesus Care............................................. 531
Don't be Afraid.............................................. 433
Down at the cross where my Savior died........ 506
Down in the River to Pray........................... 699
Down In The Valley..................................... 727
Doxology.......................................................... 47
Dread not the things that are ahead................... 84
Dying With Jesus.......................................... 465
Each day I’ll do a golden deed........................ 374
Each Step I Take............................................ 287
Each Step of the Way................................... 463
Early My God Without Delay.................... 675
Earth holds no treasures but perish with using 836
Emmanuel........................................................ 203
Encamped along the hills of light..................... 542
Ere you left your room this morning................ 669
Eternal Father Strong to Save.................. 927
Everlasting God.............................................. 24
Every Time I Feel the Spirit......................... 968
Every Time....................................................... 648
Everybody Will Be Happy Over There...... 861
Everyday they pass me by............................... 719
Everyone needs compassion............................ 116
Face to Face.................................................... 548
Fade fade, each earthly joy............................. 493
Fairest Lord Jesus......................................... 231
Faith Is The Victory..................................... 542
Faith of Our Fathers.................................... 628
Faithful Love................................................. 367
Far And Near.................................................. 694
Farther Along............................................... 635
Father And Friend Thy Light....................... 30
Father God, Just For Today......................... 414
Father Hear The Prayer We Offer............ 682
Father I Adore You......................................... 59
Father in heaven how we love You................... 96
Father in the morning....................................... 671
Father of Mercies........................................... 61
Father of Mercy............................................ 271
Father we love You............................................ 67
Father We Thank Thee................................ 679
Find Us Faithful............................................ 765
Firm Foundation............................................. 249
Follow Me....................................................... 275
Footprints of Jesus....................................... 280
For all that you’ve done, I will thank You....... 644
For All You've Done..................................... 343
For Christ and the Church......................... 267
For The Beauty Of The Earth...................... 78
For Thou, O Lord art high above all the earth.. 36
Forever in Your Care.................................. 1007
Forgive Oh, Lord; and heal our land............... 928
Freely, Freely................................................ 752
Friends............................................................. 602
From Every Stormy Wind................................ 81
From the ends of the earth............................... 190
Gentle Shepherd........................................... 718
Get Right Church......................................... 962
Give Me the Bible.......................................... 778
Give me the heart of a servant........................ 537
Give Me Thy Heart........................................ 574
Give Thanks to the Lord............................. 136
Give Thanks..................................................... 88
Give to Our God Immortal Praise................. 79
Glorify the Lord With Me.......................... 768
Glorify Thy Name............................................ 67
Glorious God.................................................... 50
Glorious Is Thy Name................................... 220
Glorious Things Of Thee Spoken................ 64
Glory For Me.................................................. 821
Glory hallelujah.................................................. 16
Glory hallelujah, I shall not be moved............. 967
Glory land is not so far away......................... 1000
Glory to His Name......................................... 506
Go Light Your World.................................. 225
Go Tell It on the Mountain....................... 976
God Be With You........................................... 623
God Bless You Go With God....................... 610
God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name................. 752
God Give Us Christian Homes..................... 708
God Holds the Future In His Hands........... 84
God is Calling the Prodigal........................ 892
God Is Love..................................................... 101
God is so Good.................................................. 97
God Is The Fountain Whence..................... 106
God Leads Us Along..................................... 419
God Moves In A Mysterious Way................. 75
God of Grace and God of Glory.................. 701
God of Our Fathers...................................... 932
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.................. 980
God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus......... 543
God Shall Wipe Away All Tears............... 523
God Still Lives................................................. 25
God Will Make A Way................................. 104
God Will Take Care of You........................ 512
God Will......................................................... 145
God’s Family................................................... 608
God’s Wonderful People............................. 637
Gone is all my debt of sin................................. 311
Grace Greater Than Our Sin...................... 119
Grace Tis A Charming Sound...................... 120
Great And Mighty Is He................................ 86
Great Are You Lord....................................... 13
Great Is the Lord Almighty......................... 87
Great Is the Lord.......................................... 207
Great Is Thy Faithfulness........................... 29
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah (Zion)... 281
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah (Rhondda) 716
Had it Not been the Lord............................. 388
Hallelujah Praise Jehovah............................. 2
Hallelujah Praise the Lamb....................... 214
Hallelujah We Shall Rise.......................... 828
Hallelujah What A Savior......................... 324
Hand in Hand with Jesus............................. 389
Hark Ten Thousand Harps.......................... 208
Hark the Gentle Voice ............................... 858
Hark the Herald Angels Sing................... 955
Hark Tis the Shepherd's Voice................... 793
Harvest Time.................................................. 721
Have thine affections been nailed to the cross 866
Have Thine Own Way................................... 383
Have you a heart that’s weary........................ 889
Have You Been to Jesus............................... 888
Have you lifted a stone from your brothers way 590
Have You Seen Jesus My Lord.................... 221
He Bore It All............................................... 331
He came to live, live a perfect life.................. 157
He Gave Me A Song....................................... 394
He has done marvelous things......................... 240
He Has Made Me Glad.................................... 89
He Is Able to Deliver Thee......................... 918
He Is Able....................................................... 206
He Is Born....................................................... 951
He Is Exalted (Paris)...................................... 92
He Is Exalted (Traditional)............................ 3
He Is Here....................................................... 527
He Is Lord....................................................... 156
He Is Wonderful........................................... 251
He Keeps Me Singing.................................... 445
He Knows Just What I Need....................... 538
He Leadeth Me............................................... 295
He left the splendor of heaven........................ 340
He Lifted Me.................................................. 919
He Lives........................................................... 305
He Loves Me................................................... 344
He Paid A Debt............................................... 458
He Still Came................................................. 345
He took my burdens all away.......................... 394
He Touched Me.............................................. 550
He Whispers Sweet Peace To Me................ 540
He..................................................................... 472
He’s My King................................................. 191
He’s My Lord.................................................. 524
Heal Our Land............................................... 928
Healing Grace............................................... 109
Hear Me When I Call..................................... 53
Hear O Israel................................................. 776
Hear the blessed Savior calling the oppressed 916
Hear the sweet voice of Jesus say................... 885
Heart Of A Servant...................................... 537
Heaven Came Down....................................... 536
Heaven For Me............................................... 802
Heaven Holds All to Me............................. 836
Heaven Is In My Heart................................. 636
Heavenly Father We Appreciate You....... 110
Heavenly Love............................................... 983
Heaven's Really Gonna Shine..................... 907
Here I am humbled by Your Majesty.............. 505
Here I am I don’t have much to bring............... 60
Here I Am to Worship....................................... 8
Here I labor and toil as I look for a home....... 847
Here We Are But Straying Pilgrims......... 469
Hero of Calvary............................................. 613
Hide Me Away O Lord................................... 482
Hide Me O My Savior Hide Me...................... 656
Hide Me Rock of Ages.................................. 717
Higher Ground.............................................. 375
Highest Place................................................ 183
Hilltops of Glory......................................... 797
His Eye is On the Sparrow........................... 507
His Grace Reaches Me.................................. 111
His Name Is Jesus.......................................... 158
His Name Is Life............................................. 198
His Name is Master Savior........................... 198
His Name Is Wonderful............................... 174
His Yoke Is Easy............................................ 428
Hold Thou My Hand...................................... 164
Hold to God's Unchanging Hand............... 435
Holy Bible Book Divine................................ 741
Holy God We Praise Your Name................. 710
Holy Ground (Beatty).................................... 57
Holy Ground (Davis)...................................... 58
Holy Holy......................................................... 55
Holy Holy, Holy Is the Lord of Host.......... 17
Holy Holy, Holy.............................................. 54
Holy Is the Lord.............................................. 56
Holy Lord, most Holy Lord................................ 13
Holy Spirit Light Divine.............................. 786
Holy Spirit Truth Divine............................. 783
Holy words long preserved.............................. 769
Home of the Soul........................................... 800
Hosanna Loud Hosanna............................... 205
Hosanna to the Lamb.................................... 982
Hosanna.......................................................... 187
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be................ 801
How Beautiful............................................... 299
How can I be free from sin............................. 333
How Can I Keep from Singing..................... 966
How Deep the Father's Love....................... 362
How do you explain......................................... 650
How Firm A Foundation................................ 487
How Great is Our God.................................... 12
How Great Thou Art...................................... 19
How I love the great Redeemer...................... 139
How lovely on the mountains are the feet....... 245
How Long Has It Been................................. 653
How Majestic Is Your Name.......................... 39
How precious is the Book divine..................... 781
How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts 782
How Sweet How Heavenly........................... 639
How Sweet the Name of Jesus.................... 241
How sweet will be the welcome home............ 830
How to reach the masses................................. 750
Humble Yourself.......................................... 614
Hymn of Glory................................................. 16
I Am A Poor Wayfaring Stranger.............. 958
I Am A Sheep................................................... 515
I Am A Stranger Here.................................. 751
I Am Bound for the Promised Land............. 766
I Am Coming Lord........................................... 865
I am going to a city........................................... 988
I Am Mine No More........................................ 603
I am not skilled to understand.......................... 660
I Am Resolved................................................. 925
I Am the God That Healeth Thee.............. 770
I Am the Vine................................................. 739
I Am Thine O Lord......................................... 583
I am weak but Thou art strong......................... 288
I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary 360
I Believe In Jesus (Howard)........................ 349
I Believe In Jesus (Nelson)......................... 573
I believe in the One they call Jesus................. 349
I Bow Down....................................................... 94
I Bring My Sins to Thee............................... 901
I Can Depend on You.................................... 693
I can hear my Savior calling............................ 848
I Can Only Imagine....................................... 987
I care not today what the morrow may bring.. 382
I Come to the Garden Alone....................... 429
I don’t know about tomorrow.......................... 503
I don’t know exactly how sweet heaven will be 907
I Exalt Thee..................................................... 36
I Feel Good...................................................... 975
I Feel Like Traveling On............................. 991
I feel the touch of hands so kind and tender... 126
I Gave My Life for Thee............................... 364
I have a song I love to sing.............................. 488
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.................. 570
I have found a Friend in Jesus......................... 384
I have heard of a land on the far away strand 833
I hear the Savior say........................................ 312
I hear Thy welcome voice............................... 865
I heard an old, old story................................... 480
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say................... 588
I Hold His Hand............................................. 289
I hold to the hand of my Savior and Friend..... 289
I Just Came To Praise The Lord................... 217
I just want to be where You are...................... 661
I Keep Falling In Love With Him............... 255
I Know He Walks With Me......................... 995
I Know My Name Is There............................ 263
I know not why God’s wondrous grace.......... 552
I Know That My Redeemer (Rosecrans).... 256
I Know That My Redeemer Lives................ 489
I Know That My Redeemer liveth.............. 509
I Know The Lord Will Find A Way for..... 549
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow..................... 503
I Know Whom I Have Believed.................... 552
I lift up my eyes to the hills.............................. 789
I Love My Savior Too..................................... 460
I Love the Lord.............................................. 318
I love the thrill that I feel when I get together 637
I Love Thee So................................................ 978
I Love Thy Kingdom Lord............................. 731
I Love To Tell the Story.............................. 738
I Love You Lord............................................. 668
I Love You With the Love of the Lord..... 596
I must needs go home by the way of the cross 398
I Must Tell Jesus......................................... 467
I need the prayers of those who love me........ 454
I Need Thee Every Hour............................... 670
I once was lost in sin but Jesus took me in....... 494
I serve a risen Savior....................................... 305
I Shall Know Him.......................................... 851
I Shall Not Be Moved................................... 967
I Sing Praises.................................................... 26
I Sing the Mighty Power of God................... 20
I Stand Amazed............................................... 133
I Stand In Awe................................................. 34
I stand to praise You, but I fall to my knees.... 459
I Surrender All............................................. 572
I traveled down a lonely road.......................... 275
I Walk With the King (Howard)............... 379
I Walk With the King  (Ackley)............... 539
I walk with the Savior...................................... 463
I wandered in the shades of night.................... 416
I Want Jesus to Walk With Me................. 558
I Want to Be a Worker................................ 756
I Want to Be Ready to Meet Him................ 418
I Want to Be Where You Are..................... 661
I want to live, dear Lord, for Thee.................. 264
I was sinking deep in sin.................................. 521
I Will Arise and Go to Jesus...................... 849
I Will Bless the Lord At All Times......... 189
I Will Bless Thee O Lord.............................. 27
I Will Call Upon The Lord........................... 32
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving............. 89
I will extol the Lord at all times....................... 768
I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord..................... 91
I will meet you in the morning......................... 601
I Will Never Be the Same............................ 376
I Will Praise Him........................................... 301
I will praise You, O Lord................................... 90
I Will Pray...................................................... 671
I Will Rise...................................................... 502
I Will Serve You........................................... 427
I Will Sing of My Redeemer........................ 490
I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord.... 779
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story............... 534
I will worship with all of my heart..................... 14
I Worship You Almighty God....................... 37
I would like to tell you what I think of Jesus... 522
I’d like to say, Lord, from the start.................. 406
I’d like to stay here longer............................... 806
I’d Rather Have Jesus.................................. 455
I’ll Be A Friend To Jesus............................. 566
I’ll Be List'ning............................................ 957
I’ll Fly Away................................................. 807
I’ll Live for Him............................................ 456
I’ll Live In Glory.......................................... 806
I’ll Live on..................................................... 993
I’ll Meet You In the Morning................... 601
I’ll Never Forsake My Lord........................ 562
I’ll say yes, Lord, yes....................................... 561
I’ll walk with Him thru all the shadowed night 995
I’m Almost Home............................................ 805
I’m going someday to yonder fair land........... 812
I’m gonna trade my earthly home................... 796
I’m Gonna View That holy City.................. 972
I’m in the way the bright and shining way...... 535
I’m kind of homesick for a country................. 826
I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord............. 381
I’m pressing on the upward way..................... 375
I’m satisfied with just a cottage below............ 823
I’m Standing on the Solid Rock.................. 476
I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide. 804
I’ve Been Crucified with Christ................. 131
I’ve been crucified with Christ........................ 180
I’ve Been Redeemed..................................... 1000
I’ve found my Lord, and He is mine............... 428
I’ve reached the land of love divine............... 825
I’ve wandered far away from God................. 903
If for the prize we have striven....................... 800
If I ascend to the heights, Lord, I find You..... 693
If I Have Wounded Any Soul Today........... 844
If I walk in the pathway of duty...................... 974
If Jesus Goes With Me................................. 279
If That Isn't Love.......................................... 340
If the name of the Savior is precious to you.... 724
If the skies above you are gray....................... 392
If We Never Meet Again............................. 811
If you are tired of the load of your sin............ 884
Immortal Invisible God Only Wise.............. 21
In Christ Alone............................................. 302
In heavenly armor we’ll enter the land........... 589
In Heavenly Love Abiding........................... 121
In His Presence................................................ 74
In His Time...................................................... 647
In Loving Kindness Jesus Came.................. 510
In Memory of the Savior's Love................... 373
In Moments Like These................................ 218
In My Life Lord Be Glorified...................... 393
In Remembrance............................................. 313
In shady green pastures................................... 419
In Sorrow I Wandered.................................. 539
In the Bible we read of a beautiful prayer...... 898
In the Calm..................................................... 412
In the Cross of Christ I Glory................... 554
In the dark of the midnight............................... 390
In the Desert Of Sorrow and Sin............... 446
In Thy field I would wield............................... 663
In the Garden................................................ 429
In the Hour of Trial..................................... 649
In the Hush of Early Morning.................. 713
In the Kingdom of the Lord........................ 810
In the Land of Fadeless Day....................... 822
In the Lord Alone......................................... 444
In the Morning of Joy.................................. 824
In the Name of The Lord.............................. 201
In the Presence of Jehovah........................... 65
In the resurrection morning............................. 828
In vain in high and holy lays............................ 178
Instruments of Your Peace........................ 655
Into My Heart................................................ 292
Into Our Hands............................................. 744
Into the heart of Jesus............................... 530
Is It For Me..................................................... 481
Is Thy Heart Right With God..................... 866
Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone. 606
Isn’t the Love of Jesus Something............ 179
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear............. 941
It Is Finished.................................................. 325
It is in giving that we receive........................... 698
It Is No Secret............................................... 474
It Is Well With My Soul............................. 504
It May Be At Morn........................................ 622
It may be in the valley...................................... 279
It thrills my soul to hear the songs of praise.... 138
It Won't Be Very Long................................. 841
Ivory Palaces.................................................. 803
Jehovah Jireh.................................................. 369
Jesus and Shall It Ever Be.......................... 547
Jesus Calls Us............................................... 274
Jesus Flow Like A River............................... 386
Jesus Hold My Hand..................................... 272
Jesus is All the World to Me.................... 449
Jesus Is Calling (Howard).......................... 859
Jesus Is Coming Soon ................................... 703
Jesus Is Lord ................................................. 257
Jesus Is Lord of All..................................... 470
Jesus Is Mine.................................................. 493
Jesus is Standing in Pilate’s Hall............. 192
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling Today............... 871
Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know.......... 238
Jesus Jesus, Jesus, There’s just something....... 184
Jesus Keep me Near the Cross (Boyd)....... 309
Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross................... 310
Jesus Let Us Come To Know You............... 677
Jesus Lover of My Soul (Marsh)................ 672
Jesus Lover of My Soul (Refuge).............. 659
Jesus Loves Me.............................................. 954
Jesus Loves the Little Children............... 933
Jesus Master of Everything....................... 630
Jesus Meek and Gentle............................... 676
Jesus my heavenly King................................... 460
Jesus Name Above All Names..................... 261
Jesus on the night betrayed.............................. 846
Jesus Paid It All (Hall)............................... 312
Jesus Paid It All (Shaffer)......................... 311
Jesus Rose of Sharon.................................... 421
Jesus Savior Pilot Me.................................... 437
Jesus the Lord laid His glory aside.................. 316
Jesus The Loving Shepherd......................... 893
Jesus The Very Thought of Thee.............. 244
Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts............... 227
Jesus Thy Name I Love.................................. 197
Jesus What a Beautiful name.................... 222
Jesus What a Friend to Sinners................. 582
Jesus What a wonder You are.................... 250
Jesus you were all to me.................................. 151
Jesus You’re my firm foundation.................... 249
Jesus You’re the sweetest name of all............ 172
Joy To the World........................................... 944
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee................... 233
Just A Closer Walk With Thee................. 288
Just a few more days to be filled with praise.. 817
Just A Little Talk With Jesus.................. 494
Just As I Am - O Holy Lamb......................... 342
Just As I Am................................................... 920
Just Beyond the Rolling River................... 621
Just Over in the Gloryland........................ 804
King of my life I crown Thee now.................. 314
Kneel At the Cross...................................... 887
Knowing You................................................. 400
Kum Ba Yah.................................................... 969
Lamb of Glory................................................ 320
Lamb Of God................................................... 134
Lead Kindly Light......................................... 990
Lead Me Gently Home Father..................... 705
Lead Me Lord.................................................. 434
Lead Me to Calvary....................................... 314
Lead Me to Some Soul Today........................ 762
Lead Me to the Cross................................... 333
Lead on O King Eternal.............................. 293
Lean on His Arm............................................ 411
Lean on the mighty arm of Jesus..................... 411
Leaning on the everlasting arms.............. 391
Learning to Lean.......................................... 403
Let Every Heart Rejoice and Sing.................. 4
Let Him Have His Way With Thee.............. 466
Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart............... 884
Let Me Live Close to Thee.......................... 663
Let the Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen.............. 625
Let the Lord Be Praised O Zion.................. 209
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning............ 722
Let the People Sing Amen........................... 626
Let the Redeemed.......................................... 532
Let the weak say I am strong........................... 902
Let There Be Glory...................................... 746
Let There Be Praise...................................... 200
Let Us Break Bread Together.................... 619
Let Us Worship............................................... 35
Let’s Just Praise the Lord.......................... 620
Lift Him Up..................................................... 750
Lift Up Our Eyes Lord................................. 732
Light of the world, You stepped down into......... 8
Light the Fire................................................ 459
Like A River.................................................... 498
Listen to Our Hearts................................... 650
Live For Jesus................................................. 397
Living below in this old sinful world................ 528
Living By Faith............................................... 382
Living For Jesus............................................. 559
Look What God is Doin’............................... 760
Looking to Thee............................................ 909
Lord Be There................................................ 473
Lord Dismiss Us............................................. 658
Lord From Your Hand................................... 346
Lord I Give You My Heart........................... 408
Lord I Lift Your Name On High................. 335
Lord I stand in Your presence........................... 94
Lord I Want to Be A Christian................... 960
Lord I Want to Love You More.................. 229
Lord I'm Coming Home.................................... 903
Lord let Your light, light of Your face............ 129
Lord Listen to Your Children.................... 631
Lord make us instruments of Your peace....... 655
Lord Most High............................................. 190
Lord Reign in Me........................................... 424
Lord Send Me.................................................. 754
Lord Speak to Me........................................... 692
Lord Take Control........................................ 706
Lord the light of Your love is shining.............. 170
Lord the people praise You............................. 246
Lord We Come Before Thee Now................ 678
Lord We Praise You...................................... 247
Lord You are more precious than silver......... 438
Lord You have given us more than we deserve 674
Love Divine..................................................... 118
Love For All................................................... 409
Love Him Love Him......................................... 128
Love Lifted Me............................................... 521
Love one another for love is of God............... 774
Love sent my Savior to die in my stead........... 370
Love through Christ has brought us together... 616
Low In the Grave He Lay............................. 339

 Majestic Sweetness...................................... 232
Majesty -Here I Am....................................... 505
Majesty........................................................... 177
Make me a Servant........................................ 564
Make Me New................................................. 617
Man of Sorrows what a name.......................... 324
Mansion Over the Hilltop.......................... 823
Marvelous grace of our loving Lord............... 119
Marvelous Things........................................ 240
Marvelous, wonderful, glorious grace............ 517
Mary Did You Know...................................... 942
Master the Tempest Is Raging................... 185
May we be a shining light to the nations.......... 624
Men of faith rise up and sing........................... 380
Merciful God and Father................................. 109
Mighty Is Our God.......................................... 23
Mighty to Save............................................... 116
Mine eyes have seen the glory........................ 936
More About Jesus......................................... 586
More Holiness Give Me................................ 576
More Love to Thee O Christ....................... 575
More Precious Than Silver.......................... 438
More Than Anything................................... 226
Must I Go and Empty handed...................... 720
Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone............ 306
My Country ‘Tis of Thee............................. 931
My Eyes Are Dry........................................... 697
My Faith Looks Up to Thee......................... 425
My Father is rich in houses and lands.............. 461
My God and I................................................... 410
My God has said His light will shine................ 897
My God is Real............................................... 999
My God Most High.......................................... 60
My God My Father Though I Stray............ 689
My heart can sing............................................. 702
My heart, my mind, my body, my soul............. 706
My heavenly home is bright and fair............... 991
My Help Comes from the Lord.................... 789
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less............ 430
My Jesus As Thou Wilt............................... 578
My Jesus I Love Thee.................................... 579
My Jesus knows when I am lonely.................. 538
My Latest Sun Is sinking Fast................... 607
My Life is In You Lord................................... 85
My life, my love, I give to Thee...................... 456
My Lord has garments so wondrous fine........ 803
My name is in the Book of Life....................... 263
My Only Hope is You.................................... 443
My precious Savior suffered pain and agony. 331
My Savior daily walks with me........................ 377
My Savior Dear, I love Thee........................... 978
My Savior, My God......................................... 660
My Savior, Redeemer, Lifted me from........... 343
My Savior’s gone a mansion to prepare.......... 989
My Sins My Sins My Savior........................... 1006
My stubborn will at last hath yielded............... 695
My Task........................................................... 645
My Tribute........................................................ 83
Nailed to the Cross...................................... 328
Near to the Heart of God............................ 526
Nearer My God to Thee................................ 585
Nearer Still Nearer..................................... 533
Never Grow Old............................................ 833
Night With Ebon Pinion............................... 998
No Night There............................................. 822
No Not One..................................................... 285
No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus...... 522
No Other Name.............................................. 223
No palace, no jewels, no kingdom to rule....... 345
No Tears in Heaven....................................... 794
Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus............. 406
None of Self and All Of Thee................... 565
Not a step will I take without Jesus.................. 266
Not a Step Without Jesus........................... 266
Not all earth’s gold and silver.......................... 862
Not Made With Hands.................................. 989
Not to Us........................................................ 743
Nothing But the Blood of Jesus................ 886
Now the Day Is Over.................................... 715
O beautiful for spacious skies.......................... 930
O beautiful star of Bethlehem.......................... 940
O Christian, do not hide your light................... 759
O Church Arise............................................. 555
O Come All Ye Faithful.............................. 946
O Come, O Come Emmanuel........................... 979
O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth... 234
O do not let the word depart............................ 882
O For A Closer Walk With God................. 587
O For A Faith That Will Not Shrink........ 378
O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing.......... 243
O God Our Help In Ages Past.................... 525
O Happy Day................................................... 495
O Heart Bowed Down with Sorrow............ 883
O Holy Lamb thou Son of God........................ 342
O Holy Night................................................. 947
O How He Loves You And Me..................... 182
O How I Love Jesus....................................... 546
O how sweet ‘twill be to meet the Lord.......... 835
O Jesus I Have Promised............................... 439
O Jesus my Savior........................................... 210
O land of rest, for thee I sigh........................... 763
O let the Son of God enfold you...................... 171
O Listen to Our Wondrous Story.............. 501
O Little Town of Bethlehem...................... 938
O Lord God of Israel....................................... 122
O Lord Hear My Prayer................................ 242
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder. 19
O Lord Our Lord............................................ 162
O Lord our Lord, how majestic is Your name.. 39
O Lord prepare me.......................................... 154
O Lord We Praise Thy Name........................ 239
O Lord You're Beautiful............................. 152
O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go................ 49
O Master Let Me Walk With Thee........... 600
O Praise the Lord (Psalm 106)..................... 924
O Praise the Lord.......................................... 228
O Sacred Head................................................ 359
O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light.. 934
O Sometimes the Shadows Are Deep.......... 905
O Spread the Tidings Round........................ 767
O the bitter pain and sorrow............................ 565
O the Name of the Lord it’s like a strong tower 496
O the precious love of Jesus............................ 518
O the Rock! ‘Tis the cleft and a strong........... 599
O the Things We May Do............................ 590
O they Tell Me of a Home........................... 832
O Think of the Home Over There.............. 831
O thou blessed Rock of Ages........................... 717
O Thou Fount of Every Blessing............... 237
O to Be Like Thee.......................................... 788
O Twas Wonderful Love............................. 256
O what a glorious God....................................... 50
O Why Not Tonight...................................... 882
O Worship the King..................................... 260
Of Jesus’ love that sought me.......................... 396
Of one the Lord has made the race................. 553
Oft We Come Together................................ 124
Oh God We Come to Worship You.................. 9
Oh God You are my God..................................... 5
Oh Lord our God we come to You now.......... 321
Oh That Will Be Glory............................... 821
Oh the Blood.................................................. 347
Oh the Depth and The Riches.................... 338
Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day............ 297
Oh what a wonderful, wonderful day............. 536
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross.. 296
On and On We Walk Together.................. 377
On Bended Knee............................................ 707
On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand.................... 766
On Jordan's Stormy Banks (O’Kane)......... 820
On The Cross of Calvary............................. 327
On Zion's Glorious Summit.......................... 135
Once from my poor sin sick soul..................... 389
Once I stood in the night with my head bowed 651
Once I was straying in sin’s dark valley......... 304
One Day........................................................... 307
One Step at a Time......................................... 872
Only A Step.................................................... 885
Only In Thee.................................................. 479
Onward Christian Soldiers......................... 749
Onward rejoicing I tread life’s way................ 797
Open My Eyes That I May See..................... 662
Open My Heart.............................................. 442
Open Our Eyes Lord..................................... 666
Open the Eyes of My Heart........................ 253
Our Father which art in heaven....................... 642
Our God He Is Alive....................................... 22
Our God is an awesome God............................. 10
Our God Reigns............................................. 245
Our Heavenly Father Understands.......... 454
Out of My Bondage....................................... 875
Over all the earth You reign on high............... 424
Packing up the dreams God planted................ 602
Paradise Valley............................................. 813
Pass Me Not.................................................... 365
Peace in the Valley...................................... 843
Peace Perfect Peace...................................... 483
People Need the Lord................................... 719
People of God................................................. 896
Pierce My Ear................................................. 816
Please hear our prayer, holy God.................... 917
Poured Out Like Wine.................................. 728
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow........ 47
Praise Him Praise Him.................................... 235
Praise the Lord O Heavens............................ 80
Praise the Lord.................................................. 6
Praise the Name of Jesus............................. 451
Praise to the Lord the Almighty................... 7
Pray All the Time.......................................... 700
Precious Lamb of glory.................................... 320
Precious Memories......................................... 441
Prepare to Meet Thy God............................. 890
Prince of Peace Control My Will.............. 687
Purer In Heart............................................... 571
Purer Yet and Purer..................................... 580
Reach Out and Touch the Lord.................. 413
Reach Out to Jesus....................................... 606
Redeemed (Crosby)......................................... 491
Redeemed (Rowe)............................................ 486
Regal robe, golden sash................................... 169
Rejoice for the Steps.................................... 563
Rejoice in the Lord Always........................... 98
Remember Me O Mighty One....................... 667
Remind Me Dear Lord.................................... 404
Rescue the Perishing................................... 761
Restore My Soul............................................ 387
Restore my spirit Lord...................................... 387
Resurrection Power...................................... 341
Resurrection.................................................. 161
Revive Us O Lord........................................... 704
Ride the Morning Winds.............................. 511
Ring Out the Message................................. 740
Rise Up O Men of God (Festal Song)......... 984
Rise Up O Men of God (St. Thomas)........... 453
Rock of Ages.................................................. 497
Room at the Cross......................................... 881
Safe In the Arms of Jesus........................... 484
Sanctuary....................................................... 154
Savior Breathe an Evening Blessing........ 714
Savior Grant Me Rest and Peace................ 684
Savior Lead Me............................................... 277
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us................. 278
Savior More Than Life to Me...................... 814
Savior Teach Me............................................. 691
Savior Thy Dying Love.................................. 568
Search Me O God........................................... 784
See the virgin is delivered................................ 323
Seek Ye First.................................................. 452
Seeking the Lost........................................... 737
Send the Light............................................... 736
Shackled by a heavy burden............................ 550
Shall I Crucify My Savior............................ 436
Shall We Gather At the River.................. 609
Sheltered in the Arms of God.................... 126
Shepherd of My Soul.................................... 422
Shine Down..................................................... 643
Shine Jesus Shine.......................................... 170
Shine On Us.................................................... 129
Shining every day all along the way................ 420
Shout Hallelujah........................................... 31
Shout to the Lord......................................... 159
Shout to the North...................................... 380
Silent Night Holy Night............................. 948
Since I Have Been Redeemed........................ 488
Since I started for the kingdom........................ 100
Since the love of God has shed........................ 107
Sing Amen......................................................... 46
Sing and Be Happy......................................... 392
Sing Hallelujah to the Lord...................... 173
Sing On Ye Joyful Pilgrims......................... 597
Sing Sing Sing................................................ 186
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus...................... 790
Sing them over again to me.............................. 432
Sing to Me of Heaven................................... 595
Sinners Jesus Will Receive......................... 879
Soft as the voice of an angel............................ 500
Softly and Tenderly..................................... 880
Softly Now the Light of Day..................... 908
Soldiers of Christ Arise.............................. 745
Some day the Silver Cord Will Break........ 405
Some day you’ll stand at the bar on high......... 869
Some glad morning when this life is o’er........ 807
Some trust in chariots......................................... 62
Someday............................................................ 985
Something Beautiful.................................... 431
Sometimes when misgivings darken the day... 540
Somewhere the sun is shining.......................... 839
Son of Man...................................................... 169
Song For the Nations................................... 624
Songs of Praise the Angels Sang.............. 950
Soon and Very Soon....................................... 963
Soon we’ll come to the end of life’s journey.. 811
Sound the Battle Cry................................... 735
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness 755
Speak O Lord.................................................. 168
Speak the name of God so solemnly................ 665
Spirit of the Living God............................... 775
Spirit Song...................................................... 171
Stand By Me.................................................... 970
Stand Up and Glorify the Lord.................. 965
Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus...................... 747
Standing on the Promises............................ 513
Star Spangled Banner.................................. 934
Step By Step........................................................ 5
Stepping in the Light................................... 265
Still Still with Thee.................................... 688
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord...... 24
Sun of My Soul.............................................. 690
Sunlight......................................................... 416
Surely Goodness and Mercy....................... 900
Surely the Presence..................................... 276
Surround Us O Lord..................................... 544
Sweet Adoration............................................ 137
Sweet are the promises.................................... 286
Sweet Beulah Land....................................... 826
Sweet By and By............................................. 798
Sweet Hour of Prayer................................... 711
Sweet is the song I’m singing today................. 486
Sweet Sweet Spirit........................................ 780
Sweet Will of God........................................ 695
Sweeter As the Years Go By...................... 396
Sweeter Than All......................................... 395
Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling... 280
Swiftly we’re turning life’s daily pages.......... 744
Take My Hand and Lead Me......................... 264
Take My Hand Precious Lord...................... 686
Take My Life and Let It Be (Mozart)........ 569
Take My Life and Let It Be (Yarbrough). 584
Take My Life Lead Me Lord......................... 283
Take the Name of Jesus With You............ 592
Take the World But Give Me Jesus.......... 508
Take Time to Be Holy.................................... 627
Tarry With Me............................................... 709
Teach Me Lord to Wait................................ 646
Teach Me Thy Way O Lord........................ 1003
Tell It to Jesus Alone................................. 423
Tell Me the Old, Old Story........................ 878
Tell Me the Story of Jesus......................... 317
Tell Them of Jesus....................................... 734
Tempted and tried we’re oft made to wonder 635
Ten Thousand Angels................................. 329
Thank You for the cross, Lord........................ 298
Thank You Lord (Jernigan) ....................... 644
Thank You Lord (Mabry)............................. 475
Thank You Lord (Sykes).............................. 899
That We Might All Be One........................ 943
That's Why We Praise Him........................... 157
The Battle Belongs to the Lord............... 589
The Beautiful Garden of Prayer............... 696
The Bond of Love........................................... 616
The chimes of time ring out the news.............. 474
The Christian's Welcome Home.................. 830
The Church in the Wildwood..................... 961
The Church's One Foundation (Aurelia). 556
The Church's One Foundation (Webb)...... 641
The cross upon which Jesus died..................... 881
The Day of Resurrection............................. 259
The End of the Way...................................... 850
The First Noel............................................... 939
The Gate Ajar................................................ 354
The Glorious Impossible.............................. 323
The Glory Land Way.................................... 535
The Gospel Is for All.................................. 553
The Great Physician..................................... 868
The Great Redeemer..................................... 139
The Greatest Commands.............................. 774
The Head that Once was Crowned............ 108
The Joy of the Lord (Paris).......................... 385
The Joy of the Lord (Vale).......................... 415
The Last Mile of the Way........................... 974
The Law of the Lord..................................... 981
The Lily of the Valley................................ 384
The little flower that opens................................ 77
The Longer I Serve Him................................ 100
The Lord Bless You and Keep You............ 612
The Lord has Been Mindful of Me............ 516
The Lord Is In His Holy Temple................... 28
The Lord My Shepherd Is............................. 115
The Lord Our Rock....................................... 599
The Lord reigns, He is a mighty God................ 87
The Lord Thy God.......................................... 150
The Lord’s My Shepherd (Crimond)........... 282
The Lord’s My Shepherd (Orlington)...... 114
The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide............. 577
The Lord’s Prayer ........................................ 642
The Love of God (Lehman)........................... 103
The Love of God (Highfield)....................... 107
The Name of God............................................ 665
The Name of the Lord................................... 496
The New Song................................................ 138
The Ninety and Nine..................................... 729
The Old Rugged Cross................................. 296
The Only Way................................................ 827
The Power of the Cross............................... 297
The Precious Book Divine............................ 781
The Rainbow of Love..................................... 420
The Rock That is Higher............................. 905
The sands have been washed in the footprints 850
The Sands of Time.......................................... 819
The Savior Is Waiting................................... 877
The Savior’s presence seems so dear............. 805
The sky shall unfold preparing His entrance.. 163
The Spacious Firmament on High................ 818
The Spirit of America.................................... 935
The splendor of a king....................................... 12
The Star Spangled Banner.......................... 934
The Steadfast Love of The Lord................ 368
The Sweetest Name of All.......................... 172
The things that I love and hold dear................ 404
The Unclouded Day...................................... 832
The voice of the Savior says come.................. 891
The Way of the Cross Leads Home............ 398
The Way That He Loves Me........................ 315
The Wonderful Cross.................................. 557
The world has lost the right of prayer............. 700
There are some things I may not know........... 999
There are things as we travel this earth’s....... 360
There Is A Balm In Gilead........................... 964
There is a candle.............................................. 225
There is a Fountain....................................... 326
There Is A Gate............................................. 354
There Is A Habitation.................................. 842
There is a name I love to hear......................... 546
There is a place of quiet rest........................... 526
There Is A Redeemer..................................... 215
There Is A Savior........................................... 194
There Is A Sea................................................ 468
There is an endless song echoes in my soul.... 966
There is beyond the azure blue......................... 22
There is coming a day when no heartaches.... 854
There is much to do, there’s work on every hand 754
There Is No Condemnation.......................... 772
There Is Power in the Blood....................... 876
There is strength in the name of the Lord....... 201
There Is Sunshine......................................... 448
There Shall be Showers of Blessings...... 611
There Stands A Rock.................................... 447
There was a holy hush all over as I walked.... 155
There was One who was willing..................... 328
There were ninety and nine that safely lay..... 729
There will never be a sweeter story................ 179
There’s a beautiful place called heaven......... 829
There’s a call comes ringing........................... 736
There’s a church in the valley by the wildwood 961
There’s a Crown for Your Cross............... 894
There’s a feeling in the air.............................. 341
There’s a Fountain Free.............................. 856
There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting........ 696
There’s a Great Day Coming....................... 923
There’s a happy land of promise..................... 861
There’s a land that is fairer than day.............. 798
There’s a Light Shining.............................. 270
There’s a line that’s been drawn..................... 325
There’s a message true and glad..................... 740
There’s a name above all others..................... 146
There’s a peace I’ve come to know............... 502
There’s a river somewhere that’s called Jordan 514
There’s a Royal Banner............................... 748
There’s a Stirring......................................... 855
There’s a Stranger at the Door................ 895
There’s a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place...... 780
There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus......... 285
There’s Something About That Name....... 184
There’s within my heart a melody................... 445
These are the days of Elijah............................ 402
They bound the hands of Jesus........................ 329
They crucified my Lord................................... 161
They tried my Lord and Master....................... 566
They’ll Know We Are Christians............. 112
This is holy ground............................................. 57
This is my daily prayer..................................... 610
This is my desire to honor You........................ 408
This Is My Father's World.......................... 929
This is the Day................................................. 15
This is the season for a new anointing............... 99
This World Is Not My Home........................ 795
Thomas’ Song................................................. 151
Thou Art the Way........................................ 224
Thou Art Worthy Great Jehovah................ 38
Thou Art Worthy......................................... 149
Thou My Everlasting Portion.................... 440
Though dark and dreary be life’s way............ 291
Though I, through the valley of shadow.......... 516
Though my cross may be hard to bear............ 562
Though the way we journey............................ 911
Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet.............. 485
Throw Out the Life Line............................. 730
Thru my disappointments, strife....................... 476
Thus Remember Me........................................ 846
Thy Word........................................................ 771
Till My Faith Becomes Sight....................... 657
Till the Storm Passes By............................. 390
Time is filled with swift transition.................... 435
Tis a sweet and glorious thought that comes... 993
Tis Midnight and On Olive's Brow............. 356
Tis Set the Feast Divine............................... 471
Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus................... 560
Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer................. 654
Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung. 918
To Be Like Jesus............................................ 284
To Canaan’s land I’m on my way................... 838
To Christ be loyal and be true.......................... 615
To Christ Be True......................................... 615
To God be the Glory......................................... 1
To God be the glory........................................... 83
To Love Some One More Dearly.................. 645
To the Harvest Fields.................................. 758
To the Work................................................... 757
Trials Dark on Every Hand......................... 971
Troublesome times are here............................ 703
True Hearted Whole Hearted.................... 726
Trust and Obey.............................................. 853
Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior......... 265
Turn My Heart.............................................. 685
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus....................... 195
Until Then..................................................... 702
Unto the Hills.............................................. 113
Unto Thee O Lord......................................... 652
Up Calvary’s mountain, one dreadful morn.... 352
Victory In Jesus............................................ 480
Wake Up O Sleeper....................................... 897
Walk With Me............................................... 273
Walking Alone at Eve................................. 799
Walking in sunlight................................... 417
Walking the Kings Highway..................... 812
Walking with Jesus along life’s way............... 734
Was It a Morning Like This?...................... 973
We are a moment You are forever................... 68
We are Called to be God’s People............. 130
We are going home to rest............................... 912
We are one in the Spirit................................... 112
We are standing on holy ground........................ 58
We believe this is Jesus come and see............ 949
We Believe........................................................ 48
We Bow Down in Reverence........................ 917
We Bow Down................................................ 407
We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise................. 40
We Declare That the Kingdom of God..... 604
We Fall Down................................................ 216
We gather here in Jesus’ name....................... 350
We Gather Together................................... 123
We Give Thee But Thine Own.................... 520
We Have An Anchor..................................... 478
We Have Come Into His House.................... 143
We have Heard the Joyful Sound.............. 725
We Love You Lord......................................... 633
We once were lost in sin.................................. 943
We place You on the highest place................. 183
We Praise Thee O God.................................... 33
We read of a place that’s called heaven........ 801
We Saw Thee Not.......................................... 303
We Shall Assemble...................................... 593
We Shall Behold Him................................... 163
We Shall See the King Some Day............... 911
We Trust in the Name of the Lord.............. 62
We Will Glorify........................................... 401
We will sing, sing, sing..................................... 186
We Will Stand............................................... 640
We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes.................... 763
We’re Marching to Zion.............................. 808
We’re part of the family that’s been born again 608
We’re pilgrims on the journey......................... 765
Well I’m tired and so weary............................ 843
Were You There............................................ 959
What a Day That Will Be........................... 854
What a fellowship what a joy divine............... 391
What a Friend We Have In Jesus............... 664
What a Lovely Name..................................... 146
What a Mighty God We Serve.................... 914
What a Savior................................................. 304
What a song of delight in that city so bright.... 791
What can wash away my sin........................... 886
What Child Is This....................................... 952
What e’er you do in word or deed.................. 742
What Is He Worth to Your Soul............... 316
What shall it be........................................... 863
What Shall it Profit.................................... 862
What the Lord Has Done in Me................. 902
What will you do with Jesus............................. 863
What Will You Do With Jesus (Howard) 192
What Will Your Answer Be...................... 869
When all my labors and trials are o’er............ 821
When All of God's Singers Get Home...... 791
When Days of Toil Have All Gone By...... 802
When He Comes in Glory By and By.......... 835
When He Cometh........................................... 605
When I Look Into Your Holiness.............. 167
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross........ 300
When I survey the wondrous cross................. 557
When in the better land.................................... 450
When Jesus Comes........................................ 834
When Jesus comes to reward His servants..... 910
When Morning Comes.................................. 971
When my life work is ended............................ 851
When My Love to Christ Grows Weak..... 358
When my way growth drear............................ 686
When peace like a river.................................. 504
When sorrows like billows flow over my soul 519
When storms around are sweeping................. 667
When the Night is Falling......................... 105
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder........ 792
When the Savior calls I will answer................ 957
When the storms of life are raging, stand by me 970
When the Sun Goes Down.......................... 912
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound...... 792
When the trumpet shall sound.......................... 824
When This Passing World Is Done........... 258
When Upon Life's Billows.......................... 591
When We All Get to Heaven..................... 790
When We Meet in Sweet Communion........ 371
When we reach that home and lay our burdens 523
When we walk with the Lord.......................... 853
When with the Savior we enter the gloryland. 809
Where Could I Go......................................... 528
Where He Leads I'll Follow....................... 286
Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow.......... 848
Where No One Stands Alone..................... 651
Where Peace Like A River........................... 519
Where the Gates Swing Outward Never. 817
Where the Roses Never Fade...................... 988
Where the Soul Never Dies........................ 838
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is................. 777
Where We'll Never Grow Old................... 833
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks. 945
While We Pray and While We Plead......... 997
Whispering Hope........................................... 500
Who at the Door Is Standing..................... 860
Who can cheer the heart like Jesus................. 477
Who Paints the Skies................................... 188
Who Will Follow Jesus............................... 994
Whosoever Heareth..................................... 852
Why Did My Savior Come to Earth............. 330
Why did the Savior heaven leave.................... 344
Why Do You Wait?....................................... 977
Why Keep Jesus Waiting............................. 870
Why Not Now................................................. 997
Why Should He Love Me So......................... 370
Why should I feel discouraged........................ 507
Why should I not love Jesus............................. 613
Will Jesus Find Us Watching.................... 910
Will You Not Tell It Today....................... 724
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life...... 478
With our lips let us sing one confession........... 896
Within the heart of every man........................... 25
Without Him................................................... 399
Without hope or God I was down in sin.......... 919
Won’t It Be Wonderful There.................. 809
Wonderful He Is to Me............................... 517
Wonderful Grace of Jesus......................... 102
Wonderful Love of Jesus............................ 178
Wonderful Merciful Savior....................... 248
Wonderful Story of Love............................ 140
Wonderful Words of Life........................... 432
Wonderful..................................................... 294
Words and Music........................................... 141
Work for the Night is Coming................... 915
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness..... 262
Worship the Lord with Gladness................ 93
Worthy Art Thou......................................... 142
Worthy Is the Lamb  (Zschech)................. 298
Worthy Is the Lamb (Wyrten)................... 148
Worthy Is the Lamb...................................... 211
Worthy of Glory........................................... 254
Worthy of praise is Christ our Redeemer........ 142
Worthy the Lamb That Was Slain............. 176
Worthy You Are Worthy............................ 147
Would you be free from the burden of sin...... 876
Would you be freed from your burden of sin? 827
Would you be poured out like wine................. 728
Would you live for Jesus and be always pure. 466
Wounded For Me............................................ 372
Ye are the Light of the World.................. 759
Years I Spent In Vanity and Pride............. 332
Yes For Me For Me He Careth.................... 996
Yes Lord Yes.................................................. 561
Yield Not to Temptation.............................. 921
You are beautiful beyond description............... 34
You are exalted, Lord, above all else............. 175
You are Lord of creation and Lord of my life 407
You are My All in All................................. 529
You Are My Hiding Place............................ 787
You are my strength when I am weak............ 529
You are the river of life................................... 386
You are the words and the music.................... 141
You may have your worldly pleasures............ 418
You Never Mentioned Him to Me............... 450
You’re my brother, you’re my sister............... 640
You’re the One............................................. 246
You’re Worthy of My Praise........................ 14
Your only Son, no sin to hide........................... 134
Zion’s Call..................................................... 723

  This SectionRevised 8-20-10

This new BLENDED hymnal filled with 1007 of the best traditional and latest contemporary songs available today! All with familiar arrangements you know and love.

New, easier to read typeset of both the music and words in shape notes. (Later we plan to release a conventional note edition) Finest quality paper, printing and binding.

Hymns arranged by topic into eighteen sections.

Order: Shape Notes Maroon B1020
Order: Shape Notes Blue B1021
Order: Shape Note Leather Maroon B1023
Order: Shape Note Leather Blue B1024


Coming soon, every song in this new hymnal set in Power Point for projection of words and music.
Songs For Worship and Praise Power Point

Printable index